Duffel Bag Drive for Fall Stand Down Event
Leavenworth County Farm Bureau is conducting a duffel bag drive from July - September for homeless veterans in an effort to help the Fall Stand Down Event (event info below). Please help us provide bags for the veterans so they aren't sent away with their items in trash bags. Duffel bags, backpacks, and military duffel bags may be dropped off at 102 Olive Street, Lansing, KS (South Entrance of building).
Every year there are 2 Stand Down events in the KC area. There is a summer Stand Down in KC, MO and a fall Stand Down in KC, KS.
Homeless veterans are able to come to these events for food, clothing, toiletries, and other resources. When the veterans arrive at the Stand Down, they are offered breakfast and they have the option to go through an area where civilian clothing, military clothing, shoes, boots and toiletries are offered. After that, they are offered vision checks, haircuts, bus passes, etc. in the resource area and they are offered lunch before leaving. The June 2019 Stand Down served over 400 veterans. To learn more, please visit http://kcstanddown.org/.
Homeless veterans are able to come to these events for food, clothing, toiletries, and other resources. When the veterans arrive at the Stand Down, they are offered breakfast and they have the option to go through an area where civilian clothing, military clothing, shoes, boots and toiletries are offered. After that, they are offered vision checks, haircuts, bus passes, etc. in the resource area and they are offered lunch before leaving. The June 2019 Stand Down served over 400 veterans. To learn more, please visit http://kcstanddown.org/.